Differences between revisions 1 and 10 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2019-04-27 18:11:42
Size: 1065
Editor: SteveKillen
Revision 10 as of 2019-05-05 11:52:32
Size: 1819
Editor: SteveKillen
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 == Creating a 1st-level character == == Creating a 1st-level character ==
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 === Mechanics === === Mechanics ===
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 * Pick one of the pre-genned ones from Wizards of the Coast. Done!  * Pick one of the [[http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/character_sheets|pre-genned ones from Wizards of the Coast]]. Done!
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 === Role-playing === Here is a more detailed guide for mechanics: [[https://www.instructables.com/id/Creating-a-DD-5e-Character-for-Beginners/]]
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 * Decide the region your character is from, and where they are now. Character sheets are here [.zip archive]: [[http://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/5E_CHARACTERSHEETSV3.ZIP]]

All information available in the books can be found in the [[https://complete-reference.com/forum/|Complete Reference app]].

=== Role-playing ===

 * Decide the region your character is from, and where they are now. (Check out the [[../Geography|map!]])
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   * Walk through the questions [[http://www.plus1gaming.com/2011/07/20-questions-for-deep-character-creation/|in this guide]], inventing as much or as little backstory for your character as you need or wish.
 * Email SteveKillen what you have, or pop on the discord to chat about it.

Creating a 1st-level character

Start by getting the mechanics down. Then decide where your character fits in the world.


The easy way:

The slightly more labor-intensive way:

  • Decide race and class. Check out the Races and Classes page for detailed information.

  • Generate your ability scores. Couple of options here:
  • Pick background, skill proficiencies, and starting spells (if any).
  • Fill in all the ability score dependent values (skills, HP, saves, initiative, etc.).
  • Add your starting equipment.

Here is a more detailed guide for mechanics: https://www.instructables.com/id/Creating-a-DD-5e-Character-for-Beginners/

Character sheets are here [.zip archive]: http://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/5E_CHARACTERSHEETSV3.ZIP

All information available in the books can be found in the Complete Reference app.


  • Decide the region your character is from, and where they are now. (Check out the map!)

  • Consider what relationship your character has with the Cincture, the Church of the Three, and the Beacon.
  • Feel free to create a faction that your character belongs to or seeks entry to.
  • Walk through the questions in this guide, inventing as much or as little backstory for your character as you need or wish.

  • Email SteveKillen what you have, or pop on the discord to chat about it.

dnd/SeedsOfChange/Characters (last edited 2020-01-02 05:11:39 by SteveKillen)