Differences between revisions 5 and 20 (spanning 15 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2010-04-09 04:09:45
Size: 381
Editor: SteveKillen
Revision 20 as of 2010-05-05 23:20:13
Size: 1578
Editor: SteveKillen
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== Crazy ideas I come up with ===
 . A frisk display server with a handheld API that hooks up to a projector suspended over a table surface!

=== Crap I need to do ===
 * '''Get new tires:'''
  * --(2 scheduled for 28 Apr, then)-- 2 a month after that.
  * [[http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?tireMake=Kumho&tireModel=Solus+KR21&partnum=865TR5KR21&vehicleSearch=false&fromCompare1=yes|Kumho KR21s]] at [[http://www.brownscollision.net/|Brown's Collision]].
  * Net cost ~$300 for 4 tires. Could be worse, I guess.
 * Buy new eyeglasses (http://www.zennioptical.com/ or http://www.goggles4u.com/)
 * Recover data from a stack of old hard drives
 * Consolidate my data so that most of it is accessible to me via [[http://www.hcoop.net/|HCoop]]
 * Set up [[http://matt.colyer.name/projects/iphone-linux/index.php?title=Main_Page|iFuse]] so I can access my iPod Touch in Linux
  * Jailbreak my iPod?
 * Freecycle my iPaq hardware
 * Reseal my hiking boots (Shoe Goo: $7)
 * Decide on an itinerary for my [[Hiking/Perseids2010|Perseids backpacker]]
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 * the Silmarillion
 * Orthodoxy (GK Chesterton)
 * Death on a Friday Afternooon (Neuhaus)
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 CategoryHomepage  . CategoryHomepage

Steve Killen

Hi, I'm a nerd. :) I write, and sometimes I publish those writings on my blog, Pursuing Calefaction.

Email: <steven.f.killen AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>

Crazy ideas I come up with

  • A frisk display server with a handheld API that hooks up to a projector suspended over a table surface!

Crap I need to do

Reading list

  • the Silmarillion
  • Orthodoxy (GK Chesterton)
  • Death on a Friday Afternooon (Neuhaus)
  • Pride & Prejudice

  • Jennifer Government

SteveKillen (last edited 2019-05-05 11:56:36 by SteveKillen)