Differences between revisions 9 and 23 (spanning 14 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2011-05-21 22:20:59
Size: 542
Editor: SteveKillen
Comment: Lighthouse foundation complete!
Revision 23 as of 2013-05-18 21:18:33
Size: 1549
Editor: SteveKillen
Comment: Artemision dimensions
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Steve's Minecraft server == == General Tools ==
 . [[http://seancode.com/minutor/|Minutor]] - 2D mining tool, best for mineral depth analysis
 . [[http://triangularpixels.net/games/tectonicus/|Tectonicus]] - Isometric surface visualizer/mapper
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On hold for the duration. Stupid cable internet not having enough upload speed... == Rogue server ==

Currently playing on a friend's rogue server. Another friend with serious ambition has joined...I've got myself a nice beach house, but he has really turned up the mining a notch, found a mushroom biome, & constructed a fortess of evil (with lava falls and everything!).

Oh, and unleashed a wither on our map. :-D

The view so far of my little home, which I call Walden Pond:

{{attachment:beachnikeL.png|Walden Pond}}

My next project, after I finish a basic peristyle, is this monstrosity (137m long by 69m wide and 18m high, with more than 127 columns):

{{attachment:Plan_Artemision_Ephesus.PNG|Artemesion of Ephesus}}
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Old! I haven't loaded this file since...hm, 2011? The filename is still World1. Wow. Loaded it with Minecraft 1.5.1 after lifting it off the old Minecraft box. World conversion proved...interesting. All my chests got rotated 90 degrees!
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 * Channel tunnel connecting Ithaka & West Egg (est'd 15 hrs)  * Channel tunnel connecting Ithaka & West Egg (complete; est'd 15 hrs)
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 * Bay Bridge connecting Mycenae & West Egg (0.75 hrs)
 * Lighthouse of Ithaka (1.25 hrs)
 * Bay Bridge connecting Mycenae & West Egg (1 hrs)
 * Lighthouse of Ithaka (5 hrs)

General Tools

  • Minutor - 2D mining tool, best for mineral depth analysis

  • Tectonicus - Isometric surface visualizer/mapper

Rogue server

Currently playing on a friend's rogue server. Another friend with serious ambition has joined...I've got myself a nice beach house, but he has really turned up the mining a notch, found a mushroom biome, & constructed a fortess of evil (with lava falls and everything!).

Oh, and unleashed a wither on our map. :-D

The view so far of my little home, which I call Walden Pond:

Walden Pond

My next project, after I finish a basic peristyle, is this monstrosity (137m long by 69m wide and 18m high, with more than 127 columns):

Artemesion of Ephesus

Steve's Prime Save

Old! I haven't loaded this file since...hm, 2011? The filename is still World1. Wow. Loaded it with Minecraft 1.5.1 after lifting it off the old Minecraft box. World conversion proved...interesting. All my chests got rotated 90 degrees!


  • Channel tunnel connecting Ithaka & West Egg (complete; est'd 15 hrs)

  • Hephaestion (complete except for the cult statue; est'd 20-30 hrs)
  • Bay Bridge connecting Mycenae & West Egg (1 hrs)

  • Lighthouse of Ithaka (5 hrs)
  • Sentinel Colossos offshore of Mycenae (planned)

  • Develop the Seven Hills (planned)

Screenshots & Maps: forthcoming


Minecraft (last edited 2013-05-25 02:13:24 by SteveKillen)