Differences between revisions 11 and 20 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 11 as of 2011-05-23 03:27:30
Size: 546
Editor: SteveKillen
Revision 20 as of 2013-04-14 05:11:26
Size: 1157
Editor: SteveKillen
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Steve's Minecraft server == == General Tools ==
 . [[http://seancode.com/minutor/|Minutor]] - 2D mining tool, best for mineral depth analysis
 . [[http://triangularpixels.net/games/tectonicus/|Tectonicus]] - Isometric surface visualizer/mapper
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On hold for the duration. Stupid cable internet not having enough upload speed... == Rogue server ==

Currently playing on a friend's rogue server. Another friend with serious ambition has joined...I've got myself a nice beach house, but he has really turned up the mining a notch, found a mushroom biome, & constructed a fortess of evil (with lava falls and everything!).

Oh, and unleashed a wither on our map. :-D

The view so far of my little home, which I call Walden Pond:

{{attachment:beachnikeL.png|Walden Pond}}

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Old! I haven't loaded this file since...hm, 2011?

General Tools

  • Minutor - 2D mining tool, best for mineral depth analysis

  • Tectonicus - Isometric surface visualizer/mapper

Rogue server

Currently playing on a friend's rogue server. Another friend with serious ambition has joined...I've got myself a nice beach house, but he has really turned up the mining a notch, found a mushroom biome, & constructed a fortess of evil (with lava falls and everything!).

Oh, and unleashed a wither on our map. :-D

The view so far of my little home, which I call Walden Pond:

Walden Pond

Steve's Prime Save

Old! I haven't loaded this file since...hm, 2011?


  • Channel tunnel connecting Ithaka & West Egg (complete; est'd 15 hrs)

  • Hephaestion (complete except for the cult statue; est'd 20-30 hrs)
  • Bay Bridge connecting Mycenae & West Egg (1 hrs)

  • Lighthouse of Ithaka (5 hrs)
  • Sentinel Colossos offshore of Mycenae (planned)

  • Develop the Seven Hills (planned)

Screenshots & Maps: forthcoming


Minecraft (last edited 2013-05-25 02:13:24 by SteveKillen)