

  1. Heat 3/4 gal water to 150°F and blend in honey
  2. Treat 1/4 cup water with 1 campden tablet and pour into jug with lavender
  3. Pour hot honey mixture over lavender leaves
  4. Stand overnight
  5. Rehydrate yeast in 1 cups water; add 1 cup must after 15 minutes and let stand for 20 minutes
  6. Pitch yeast slurry
  7. Ferment for 7 days, rack, top up off while allowing some head space

After primary is completed, rack again, add 2oz of rose water, top off to the jug neck, and age for 60 days. Stabilize, wait, bottle.

Original Recipe

Recipe from

Lavender Mead

Source: Leigh Ann Hussey (
Mead Lover's Digest #5, 1 October 1992

Ingredients (1 gallon):

4lb honey
1/4t citric acid
1 pint lavender flowers
1/2t tannin powder
1/2t champagne yeast
1t yeast nutrient


Boil together honey and 1/2gal water for 5 min. Put flowers with citric 
acid and tannin in a gallon jug and pour the hot liquid over. Let cool 
in a sink of cold water to room temperature, then add yeast and nutrient 
and further water to make a gallon plus a pint. Add the airlock. Let 
ferment 1 week, then strain out flowers. Set the lock on again and 
ferment until all quiet. Bottle and age. 

Second Ferment: 112 days

Based on H.E. Bravery's Rose Mead, from HOME BREWING WITHOUT FAILURES.

CategoryHomeBrewing CategoryMead CategoryRecipe

HomeBrewing/Recipes/LavenderMead (last edited 2012-03-17 21:12:52 by ClintonEbadi)