1. Start 'er Up
- Prepare yeast if starter was not made
- Produce caffeine
Get any dishes &c out of the way before starting
- Run dishwasher unless it is really empty
- Unload once it is finished so that any new dishes can get out of
- the way immediately
- Unload once it is finished so that any new dishes can get out of
- Measure first bucket of mash water (and cover)
2. Mash
- set up propane burner
- treat first mash water
- Easiest to measure in 5 gal bucket and treat in keg-kettle on the
- propane burner
- Easiest to measure in 5 gal bucket and treat in keg-kettle on the
- heat first mash water in keg-kettle
clean (with cold water) mash tun and assemble manifold
- set up mash tun on rack (positioned so that it can drain into
- kettle on the primary burner)
- mash in
3. Interlude
- Acquire any missing ice/supplies
- i.e. beer, food
- Perhaps get a few wort production tasks out of the way if time
permits (-> more time for beer later)
4. Lauter
- if 'mashing out':
- heat top up water
- top up
- transfer any remaining water into secondary kettle
- vorlauf
- drain mash tun into keg-kettle
5. Batch Sparge
- heat sparge water in secondary kettle
- batch sparge
- begin heating first runnings on primary burner
6. Second Lauter
- vorlauf
- drain into keg-kettle on burner
- Dump spent grains into grain pile
- Break down manifold and rinse
- Note: do not break down the ends, just the lateral poles
- Hose out mash tun
- Flush silicone hose with hot water (sink hose)
- Flush ball valve with hot water (sink hose)
- Leave to dry (inside!)
7. Wort Science
- Take and crash cool gravity sample
- Use measuring cup! Volume: ???mL (FIRST TIME: MEASURE CAPACITY OF
- TUBE) # putting hot wort into the tube is making it fracture
- Use measuring cup! Volume: ???mL (FIRST TIME: MEASURE CAPACITY OF
- Measure initial volume
- Measure gravity
Calculate efficiency &c
- Taste!
- Clean sample equipment
8. Wort!
- prepare wort salts
- prepare hop additions
- prepare yeast nutrients and irish moss
- deal with hot break
- add first hops and salts
- sit back and make beer
9. Crash Cool
- sanitize
- wort chiller
- Stirring spoon
- Thermometer
- prepare ice and drainage buckets
- assemble pump system
- @T-15m put wort chiller into wort
- Crash!
- Clean wort chiller
10. Rack
- Sanitize
- Racking Cane
- Tee
- Venturi Tube
- Thief
- Airlocks
- Bunges
- Shake up fermenters with star san
- Whirlpool wort
- Assemble and re-sanitize racking hoses
- Dump starsan from fermenters
- Rack beer!
- Seal fermenters
11. Begin Fermentation
- Move fermenters into fridge
- Set temperature control
12. Clean Up
- Clean kettle
- Dump crap out
- Rinse with hose
- Fill (partially) with hot water + oxyclean
- Scrub
- Dump (deck!)
- Rinse again (with sink water!)
- Place to dry on towel
- Double check mash tun is completely clean
- Disassemble pump system
- Extract reusable ice containers (into kitchen for cleaning)
- Turn pump upside down to drain remaining water
- Put pump into utility room (hanging hose over wall hook)
- Dump cold water bucket
- Dump hot water bucket when finished using for cleaning water
- Flush siphon hose + venturi + tree + cane with hot water
- Clean hose / racking cane
- Otherwise, mold grows in them
- Extra cleaning
- Put any dry brewing items back into their boxes
- Check brewing boxes for general organization
- Put brewing supplies back into utility room
Collect beer bottles &c left around from brewing
- Collect used brewing towels
- Mop kitchen (Clinton, after everyone goes home of course)