Revision 41 as of 2011-10-18 13:06:25

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Rob's Stag Party At The End Of The World

A camping trip prior to the marriage of Rob Carlson & Caitlin Mahoney. No girls allowed.

Contact: SteveKillen 919.949.6966 (text or voice) <steven.f.killen AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com> (email)


Fri-Sun, October 21st-23rd [campground #1, by White Sulphur Pond, reservation confirmed, toilet service arranged]

SteveKillen will be there to set up Fri AM. Site will be open from 1pm onward for arrival.


5-day weather forecast for Flintstone, MD

Things to consider (AKA What to bring)

There is no spring at the campground. Two outside spigots are available at the office. I recommend bringing such water as you'll need; 2gal/day/person is a low estimate.

There will be a port-a-potty on site.

Western MD is black bear country.

It will be cold at night. It will probably be chilly during the day, too. If you haven't gone camping before, you might do well to hit up my camping guide for a fairly basic checklist: Hiking/StandardCampingList

Dead or downed trees are permissible to cut for firewood. Live ones, not so much. So if you have a hatchet or saw, it's not out of order.

There is a stocked fishing pond near group campsite #1, and the Potomac (near site #7) is open for fishing as well. Fishers over 16 must have a MD Angler's License.

Per the reservation contract: "Alcoholic beverage consumption is permitted at designated areas and campsites only."

Concerning Rob's expectations: you're the friend part. So bring yourself and your gear. That's easy :) As for booze, I lay before you a challenge: bring something unique and refined to share (where $refined is subject to personal judgement).

Other gear:


The total cost for the campsite (the site itself Fri-Sun plus the port-a-potty service) will be about $140. Kicking $5-$10 my way to help cover costs is completely appropriate, but if you have something useful for the group or need the gas money that's fine too. Just let me know or throw it up on the wiki so we don't have too much duplication of effort.