Revision 40 as of 2011-06-27 06:32:58

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SidheRa's brother is getting married, and all of the bride-to-be's family lives in CO. So we're taking the opportunity to make it a road trip!

Trip begins 22 June 2011. Rehearsal dinner is 24 June, and wedding is 25 June. After that, we're on our own until a few days after Independence Day!

Here's the grand view.

Here's a list of /things (food, supplies, etc.).

Some useful things for food prep (snacks, meals):

Side A

Raleigh, NC to Longmont, CO (northeast of Boulder) in the shortest possible time. Google Maps says 27 hours. Can we do it? Short answer: yes, yes we can. And did!

Sights will include the Arch of St. Louis, the rolling plains of Kansas, and many gas station bathrooms.

Pit stops: Higginsville, MO

Side B

Longmont, CO to Raleigh, NC in the span of about a week. Lots of time for checking stuff out along the way. Via The Grand Canyon's south rim! It's a 24-hour detour but it puts us on Rt. 40 heading east and we can say we have been in six more states :-D




New Mexico:

North Texas:




North Carolina: