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A Dvorak variant for polytonic Greek:

'~ (, ). Ππ Ηη Φφ Γγ Χχ Ρρ Λλ ?/ += |\
   Αα Οο Εε Υυ Ιι Δδ ἀἁ Ττ Νν Σσ _-
   :; Θθ Ωω Κκ Ξξ Ββ Μμ Ψψ Σς Ζζ

This is reasonably mnemonic for Dvorak users. It differs slightly from Beta code in order to keep all vowels on the left-hand side of the keyboard. Here, Yy=Ηη, Qq=Θθ, Jj=Ωω, Ww=Ψψ and Vv=Σς are somewhat arbitrary, and the mappings c=Χ and x=Ξ are swapped in Beta code.

This keyboard lacks the iota subscript, the grave accent, and the diaresis. The quotation-mark key is used for acute accents and circumflexes, and the "Hh" key is used for rough or smooth breathing.