Revision 1 as of 2013-01-29 18:34:34

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The failed EvergreenGarden of 2012.

Currently Germinating

Organized by the tray they are in. Details on start dates &c coming once ClintonEbadi is unlazy enough to double check the labels on the germination trays. I seed everything in increments of ten cell peat pots.

GT1 GT2 : unallocated


First waterings are noted here, but subsequent are not (I was under the impression that it'd have to be done less often than basically daily ...)

ST,,0,, and ST,,3,,

Actual situation is messy. It's late, I needed to record what I did, will reorganize &c later -- ClintonEbadi 2012-04-20 08:16:38

After repotting and thinning, ST3 and ST0 were mixed-and-matched. Everything still in a seedling cell went into ST0 under the main hood, and the repotted seedlings moved to the unhooded shelf in ST3. These are not ready for hardening off and will remain indoors for the time being Plans are hardier than I thought; a quick test in the sun and then a few hours proved that sunlight benefitted even the weak plants!