Differences between revisions 5 and 56 (spanning 51 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2011-02-01 00:59:33
Size: 2227
Editor: BtTempleton
Comment: lernu tests
Revision 56 as of 2013-03-07 20:53:50
Size: 966
Editor: BtTempleton
Comment: remove old projects list
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Spring 2011 projects ==  * Home page: [[http://terpri.org/]]
 * Email: <<MailTo(bpt@hcoop.net)>>
 * Jabber: [[xmpp:bpt@hcoop.net]]
 * Phone: 919-924-7270
Line 3: Line 6:
 * {o} School: GPA >= 3.75
   * {o} Check out UNC's CS, math, philosophy programs
   * {o} Get advice on what to major in and how to get involved in research work
 * {o} GRK: Learn Attic Greek well enough to read simple texts
  * Suggestion: NT Greek. It's koine, a simpler (and later) dialect that you already have a good deal of grammar for. Best book to start with is [[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0155%3abook%3dMark|Mark]]. You might also consider (and I would be more than happy to read with you, as I have a Greek/Italian pony of it) Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, a similarly late text. --SteveKillen
 * {o} MA: Use both Stewart and Spivak; follow a reasonable study schedule
 * {o} PHI: An excellent opportunity to read Frege and Russell
 * {o} PY: Not difficult; don't skip class; establish a solid foundation for more interesting physics classes
 * FreeSoftware
   * {o} Get the GenericWindowManager working on modern systems and port to GuileScheme
   * {o} Work on GuileElisp -- compatibility, optimization
   * {o} Update Guile website
   * {o} Maintain portal, mlt for HcoopDotNet
     * {o} Send initial mlt patch to ClintonEbadi in 2011-W06
 * Esperanto
   * {o} Retake Lernu's basic tests. Mi ne estos eterna komencanto! :)
   * {o} Attend at least one EsTri meeting
   * {o} Package the Reta Vortaro for Debian
 * Personal/Miscellaneous
   * {o} Come out as GenderQueer
   * {o} Visit Rachel twice before summer
   * {o} Exercise three times per week (not including commute)
   * {o} Practice piano once per week
   * {o} Brew beer a few more times before summer
   * {o} Finish a small design project by June
   * {*} Start a journal
   * {o} Apply for food stamps
 * House
   * WallBed
     * {*} Planning begins January 2011
     * {o} Shopping list and price checks
     * {o} Shopping and cutting day
     * {o} 3-4 work days
   * {o} Acquire foam for Saarinen chair cushion
   * {o} Find a couch (perhaps a futon frame plus homemade cushions)
   * {o} More wall decorations
 * Computing
   * {o} Backups!
   * {o} Publish more stuff (wikiwiki, software, weblogging)
Quick links:

 * CyrillicForEsperanto
 * GreekInputMethod
 * FriendOfaFriend
 * GuileElisp
 * GenericWindowManager

== *scratch* ==

"<cerebral_monkey> bipt: There's a really good book by Martine Batchelor called Meditation for Life, and her husband wrote a book called Buddhism without Religion that is great as well. That is how I delved deeper into it"

Greek reading suggestion: NT Greek. It's koine, a simpler (and later) dialect that you already have a good deal of grammar for. Best book to start with is [[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0155%3abook%3dMark|Mark]]. You might also consider (and I would be more than happy to read with you, as I have a Greek/Italian pony of it) Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, a similarly late text. --SteveKillen

Quick links:


"<cerebral_monkey> bipt: There's a really good book by Martine Batchelor called Meditation for Life, and her husband wrote a book called Buddhism without Religion that is great as well. That is how I delved deeper into it"

Greek reading suggestion: NT Greek. It's koine, a simpler (and later) dialect that you already have a good deal of grammar for. Best book to start with is Mark. You might also consider (and I would be more than happy to read with you, as I have a Greek/Italian pony of it) Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, a similarly late text. --SteveKillen


BtTempleton (last edited 2013-03-07 20:53:50 by BtTempleton)