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A note about language: no racial languages exist on Maroon, save for Dragonborn. Each region of starfolk speaks a local dialect, derived from the original Old Speran the First Folk spoke. Common to Vindulan and the provinces is High Speran, but beyond the wall, community of speech degrades as the distances between cultures increases.

PHB Races

Races may differ from those described in the Player's Handbook.

Halflings & Gnomes

Halfling and gnome are semi-derogatory terms for folk directly descended from or part of a self-named sect called the First Folk or Landers. A minority in Vindulan proper, they live on the outskirts in the south, in the Enclave, where they grow and consume exclusively food which (they claim) is descended from the seeds the colonists brought with them. The First Folk are obsessed with relics of the starfolk, defunct though those artifacts found invariably are, and organize in caravans to go searching for them. Exiled First Folk tend to keep together even outside the Enclave, and their deeply-rooted mores keep them from associating with tallfolk at any level beyond acquaintance. They trade primarily in crafts, especially musical instruments and fine textiles, producing some of the finest instruments to be had inside or outside the Cincture.


Humans represent the dominant ethnicity in Vindulan, both inside and outside the Cincture. Generations of life on Maroon have changed them, but they are recognizably congruent to their starfaring ancestors.

Elves and Half-Elves

Early in Vindulan's history there are stories of settlers who attempted to strike out on their own, cut off from the nascent settlement by the Fall. Some say they did not die off or succumb to the predation of the new world around them, but instead survived and began to change, generation by generation. They developed pronounced physical differences from humans, such as elongation in ears, legs, and fingers, but there are marked changes also in their brains: a decreased need to sleep and a sensitivity to the "magic" reviled by the First Folks. Elf is the name by which the people of the Cincture most commonly refer to them.

Notable differences have developed among them; those living in the Shadow Hills have taken on a grey pallor, whereas the ones norside have broad birthmarks of wild variety and color on their bodies and a sensitivity to light.

Dwarves, Tieflings, Half-orcs, Dragonborn

The other PHB races are not present as a demographic, but rather as individual mutations. The Tiefling is notably open to change in its racial spells in collaboration with the DM.

Other Races

Other races from WotC are open for play, pending DM consultation. See D&D Beyond for an exhaustive list.

Classes and Backgrounds

Some of the PHB classes have specific roles or come from specific regions in Vindulan. You are invited to forge your own approach to them as well.


Literacy, technology, and splendor are only some of the signs of civilization. In the hinterlands beyond the Wall, nomadic clans give rise to strongmen and women to lead and defend them. In the coastal plains to the north or the Shadow Hills in the south, your tribe finds its way not by settling behind a wall and digging up rocks to eat, but by thriving in the world around you, channeling its power and taking what you need.


Skeltering Hall is the home of the bardic colleges, chief purveyers of news to and from the Old City and the provinces. Bards serve in many capacities in Vindulan: as clerks of the magistrates, aides to Cincture officials, as couriers of sensitive information, as entertainers and keepers of lore. Skeltering is home of one of the great libraries of Vindulan (the other being the Academ), and the seat of the Electoral Office that manages the city's yearly elections. You may be from the City, or you may have learned the basics of your craft in your settlement from a caravan-borne skald. But to truly practice as a bard, your road leads to the Skelter.


Your path is one of guidance. You have been chosen, by your actions and intentions or by some quality unknown even to you, to manifest the gifts of the Three. Some aspect of them usually makes itself clear, and the Church of the Three usually brings you into their fold to learn what paths others such as yourself have taken, and what mysteries others have left unrevealed. With your healing abilities and seemingly direct connection to the gods, you are among the most valued of people in all Vindulan- but first you must spend time among them all.


You have a gift for communing with the life around you. You can shape it, mold it in the way that a potter might shape clay, or a carpenter might shape wood. Indeed, it shapes you in kind. You see the connected nature of all living beings, and it infuses you with the power to restore the natural order where it was lost, or achieve harmony where there is discord. There are others like you, and they sometimes teach you; there are many, many more who do not understand.


You might be a Beacon soldier defending the provinces in the south, or a settler defending a freehold in the hinterlands. You might be guarding the Mines of the Queen, or part of a caravan ensuring its safe passage through the Blood Wood. No matter where you are, your goal is simple: defeat your foe by force of arms.


You have dedicated your time to the perfection of your body as a tool, to make it respond in concert with your intentions well above and beyond the ordinary. You may have trained as a disciple of the Three at a monastery, or you may have achieved this state through constant inebriation among the pilfering streetrats in the underbelly alleys of the Old City. Always present in your life is the relationship of the student to the master--in the fullness of time, your training will be complete. But it is not yet.


You serve the Three in ways an Aspect cannot. Your fate is linked specifically to humanity's survival on Maroon, as you swear dual vows to the Beacon and the Three. Your conduct is a shining example--or a warning. Your mission is a lifebond, only discharged at your death, by natural causes or otherwise. Few put take their first step to the Unveering Oath earlier than their thirties, and indeed, many to of these turn away to other paths even as they prepare for it. You have achieved the beginning of your story: what's next?




