== Concerning Western Civilization == '''Ille:''' ugh '''hic:''' :( you are all about to commit suicide I think '''Ille:''' I don't know if your philosophy degree included Aristotle's Rhetoric '''hic:''' lol '''Ille:''' but it is garbage GARBAGE '''hic:''' well, it is you're not wrong '''Ille:''' almost as much garbage as ALL TH E OTHER FUCKING RHETORICAL HANDBOOKS WE'RE BEING TESTED ON this semester has made me really resent Cecil! he's quite an accomplished piss-off-er, it turns out Sent at 11:30 PM on Thursday '''hic:''' Maybe it's revenge for an old professor of his who did this to hom '''Ille:''' hahahaha hahahaha excellent haha '''hic:''' so you must get back at him some fifty years hence upon some poor grad students '''Ille:''' "That's how it happened to meee!" "WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNE?" '''hic:''' ok, might be just the bourbon talking' but that was rich '''Ille:''' lol "so you must get back at him some fifty years hence upon some poor grad students" that's the funniest comment of the day and I've been engaged in some serious chatricking '''hic:''' wow. and it's 11:33. beat that, other anonymous [redacted]-chatters!! ::does the cabbage patch:: '''Ille:''' hahahaha Sent at 11:34 PM on Thursday '''Ille:''' it's just so fractal '''hic:''' imagine the layers of grad students who suffer across the generations and the malicious professors they become '''Ille:''' let's see if it matches the 4 main characteristics of fractals: self-similar? check recursive? check infinity? check '''hic:''' IT'S A RUNAWAY SIGMA OF PAIN '''Ille:''' hahahhaa scaling? check - because these bitter, malicious professors become chairs and wreak havok upon their departments (Cecil: QED), and those chairs become deans, and those deans become chancellors/trustees/board-of-governors-ers/legislators-on-the-budget-committee Sent at 11:39 PM on Thursday '''hic:''' oh man. I think we have glimpsed the root of Western society avert your eyes, [redacted]! AVERT YOUR EYES OH GOD I FDFDJGFJGHDGFSDTY '''Ille:''' hahahahah