* Home page: [[http://terpri.org/]] * Email: <> * Jabber: [[xmpp:bpt@hcoop.net]] * Phone: 919-924-7270 Quick links: * CyrillicForEsperanto * GreekInputMethod * FriendOfaFriend * GuileElisp * GenericWindowManager == *scratch* == " bipt: There's a really good book by Martine Batchelor called Meditation for Life, and her husband wrote a book called Buddhism without Religion that is great as well. That is how I delved deeper into it" Greek reading suggestion: NT Greek. It's koine, a simpler (and later) dialect that you already have a good deal of grammar for. Best book to start with is [[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3atext%3a1999.01.0155%3abook%3dMark|Mark]]. You might also consider (and I would be more than happy to read with you, as I have a Greek/Italian pony of it) Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, a similarly late text. --SteveKillen ---- CategoryHomepage